What's a Weekend????

Got to love me!

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Location: Riverside, California

So you think you want to know about me?!? Well that's a complicated thing. Some people think I am a very nice person, while others swear that I am satan in the flesh. Some think that I know everything, and again others treat me as a dumb blonde. I can tell you that I work 6 to 7 days a week, love my family, don't know what a weekend is or what I would do with my time if I had one. I love the country, hate stupid Orange County people, and lived in Hollywood for 3 years. I believe in God, but don't think that one religion has gotten it right. I have a tattoo and want more, I don't think that there is anything wrong with body piercing. I think that you should be able to speak and read ENGLISH in order to vote or drive in this county and if that make's me a bad person, oh well, deal with it.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Back to the Grind

Okay…it’s about this time that I am really missing Priest Lake. It has been unbearably hot the last few days. As of right now (9:44am) it is 92° and 31% humidity. Looks like it’s going to be another hot one.

My computer is still down and out, so I am having to update my blog using other peoples computers, so it’s not going to be that often that it is updated, but I’ll do my best.

We had an eventful 3-day weekend. I worked Saturday (as usual), we had 3 weddings so I was out and about for about 13 hours (7:15 am - 8:30pm). Sunday was Brandon’s birthday and we had a party for him and Drew at the in-law’s house. Brandon did not feel good, Drew was playing video games with his cousin, which left me by myself to have to play nice with my brother-in-law and his wife. Monday started out pretty slow, we all slept in, recovering from the over indulgence in food from Sunday. We had planned to go out to breakfast, but that never happened. At about 4:30pm or so, I was sitting at Brandon’s computer in the kitchen, Brandon was watching television and Drew was upstairs playing video games in our bedroom. I heard what I thought was a siren on the T.V. and asked Brandon what he was watching. About that time, Drew came bounding down the stairs saying that there were fire engines parked outside. Well, long story short, our building was on fire. The townhouse unit at the opposite end of our building was on fire. There dryer, apparently, had an issue, the sprinkler system did its job, and by the time the fire department got there the fire was all but out. However, the amount of black, stinky smoke was immense. It has taken 2 days to get that smell out of my nose.

Anyway, all is back to normal, and it’s good to be back at work.


Blogger JacquelineKD said...

Isn't life grand? Just when we think we understand ALL the rules, someone either changes them or adds new ones.

7:53 AM, September 08, 2006  
Blogger Kim said...

yuck stinky aftermath smoke,, took me a long while to get that crap out of my room..

10:56 AM, September 08, 2006  

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