What's a Weekend????

Got to love me!

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Location: Riverside, California

So you think you want to know about me?!? Well that's a complicated thing. Some people think I am a very nice person, while others swear that I am satan in the flesh. Some think that I know everything, and again others treat me as a dumb blonde. I can tell you that I work 6 to 7 days a week, love my family, don't know what a weekend is or what I would do with my time if I had one. I love the country, hate stupid Orange County people, and lived in Hollywood for 3 years. I believe in God, but don't think that one religion has gotten it right. I have a tattoo and want more, I don't think that there is anything wrong with body piercing. I think that you should be able to speak and read ENGLISH in order to vote or drive in this county and if that make's me a bad person, oh well, deal with it.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

STUPID F*!@KING DRIVERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

First thing I have to say is that if you are in any way offended by this post you can go to hell! That being said....

If you know me at all you know that I hate stupid drivers more than anything else, especially people who buy an SUV or truck because "they want someting safe" and don't know how to drive it. YOU'R A F*!KING MENACE! Because I pull a horse trailer on a weekly basis, I regularly deal with these f*!king idiots and sadly most of them are women. Yesterday one of Brandon's closest friends (since childhood) and a friend of mine was tragically killed when an idiot driver, who was too busy doing whatever and not paying attention, pulled out in front of him while he was riding his motorcycle. All I can say is that this has been a pretty hard thing for all of us to deal with.

Mark Hernandez (aka Prince) was a lot of things...he was the bassist for Kill Allen Wrench "Punks most important band," he was a father, he was a goal oriented person with limitless potential, he was a good friend and all this has been brought to an abupt end because some a**hole was not paying attention.

I know what a lot of you are saying that because he was riding a motorcycle he was taking that risk, well you know what F*!@K YOU!!! That is the biggest cop-out I have ever heard, motorcycle or not half the people out there with drivers license should not be permitted to drive PERIOD!!! Like I said I drive a pick up and pull a horse trailer, let me point out the dumba** broad in the mustang that almost clipped the front end of my truck this last Friday evening as she cut in front of me changing lanes on the freeway, or the woman, who after backing her mini-van out of a drive way, across a street that is over 4 vehicles wide, hit my parked car (that had been parked there for over an hour) so hard that I could not open my door to stop her as she drove off. After Brandon jumped out the passenger side and flagged her down she said, and I quote "I did not know I even hit you, I'm not used to driving something this big. I've driven a Honda all my life." Oh my god, it took everything I had to not punch the b*!#h. IF YOU CAN'T DRIVE IT SAFELY, DON'T BUY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That means, change lanes, get out of people's way, get on and off the free way, backup and paralle park. And I don't care if you have not been in an "at fault" accident in "forever," how many of those "not at fault" accidents happened because of your stupidity!!! I hate all of you stupid f*!@king soccer mom's who buy a mini-van or suv because you want to be safe! You're a menace! And I'm sorry, just because you are 78 years old and have been driving for a million years does not mean that you are entitled to drive, it you can't pass the test you damn well can't drive. And if you can't read and understand the english language well enough to take and pass the written test then you shouldn't be driving either. AND I SWEAR TO GOD THAT THE NEXT MAN THAT ASKES ME WHO PARALELL PARKS MY TRUCK FOR ME OR IF I DRIVE IT UP OVER THE CURB AND THROUGH THE GRASS TO PARK IT, IS GOING TO GET PUNCHED! JUST BECAUSE I'M A WOMAN AND YOU ARE A MAN AND YOU CAN'T DO IT DOES NOT MEAN THAT I CAN'T!!!!!! F*!k you all, because of you a little boy woke up this morning to find out that he will NEVER get to see his father again, a family woke up to the news that they will never spend another holiday, or birthday or any day with a person they loved, friends woke up to the news that they will never get to enjoy the companionship and company of some one they care very much about and hundered of fans learned that a muscian they idolized will never pick up another instument.


Blogger Roger Daisley said...

First - My heartfelt sympathy for your family and the family of your friend. Such a sudden and unexpected ending of life is virtually impossible to accept. I've lost very close friends in aircraft accidents and I can understand how stunned you are. Do what you can to help the survivors ... that's all you can do.

I've ridden a motorcycle since I was 15-yrs old and, in fact, taught motorcycle safety for the State of Washington for several years. Riding is a high-risk sport and you have to ride like everyone is out to get you! Usually a rider can manage the risk, but not always ... sometimes it's simply beyond control.


Ps: Your anger is well received! I agree with all you said.

7:54 PM, July 23, 2006  
Blogger JacquelineKD said...

I agree with you that there are too many people on the roads that should not (and sometimes do not) hold a valid driver’s license. License or not, it will not stop them from operating or trying to operate machinery that is beyond their capability. If there was a way to prevent a person from getting behind the wheel of an automobile (truck, motorcycle) without first proving that they were competent operators of the equipment, I’d go for it.

I have watched incompetent drivers cause accidents and then merrily go their own way as if they had no responsibility for the tragic event. These people have no remorse for the damage or grief they cause. Their only remorse is if they should be caught in the act. Some blame the victim for getting in THEIR way. Others never drive again for causing harm to another living soul.

A driver, especially a motorcyclist (and bicyclist) must be ever cognizant of their surroundings. There’s nothing between them and the approaching vehicle except their fragile bodies. 150 pounds of flesh and bone is no match for 2000 pounds of steel and glass. In being a defensive driver you may save not only your own life but also the life of another driver.

You have every right to vent your anger. I’m so sorry for the family that will never see their dad/husband/son again. A life is as fragile and delicate as a snowflake; beautiful but oh so hard to hold.

After you’ve had time to think about it, you might want to revise your Blog entry and edit some of your thoughts. Then again, maybe you won't. It’s just a suggestion. ILY

8:25 PM, July 23, 2006  
Blogger Kim said...

Hey Amber

I'm sorry to hear what had happen to him.. I would vent the same way if something had happen to you or one of my friends.. If you need someone to talk to I'll be here for you..
Love you

8:08 PM, July 24, 2006  

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