What's a Weekend????

Got to love me!

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Location: Riverside, California

So you think you want to know about me?!? Well that's a complicated thing. Some people think I am a very nice person, while others swear that I am satan in the flesh. Some think that I know everything, and again others treat me as a dumb blonde. I can tell you that I work 6 to 7 days a week, love my family, don't know what a weekend is or what I would do with my time if I had one. I love the country, hate stupid Orange County people, and lived in Hollywood for 3 years. I believe in God, but don't think that one religion has gotten it right. I have a tattoo and want more, I don't think that there is anything wrong with body piercing. I think that you should be able to speak and read ENGLISH in order to vote or drive in this county and if that make's me a bad person, oh well, deal with it.

Friday, June 15, 2007

If You Build It They Will Come...

So by now most of you know that we have a lot of animals. We are kind of the neighborhood animal shelter. Most of our 4-legged family members are cats that my husband has rescued from certain death as “wild” kitty’s. The count currently stands at 7 cats, 1 dog, 2 rats and 1 crooked legged horse. This does not include the horses that we use for the carriage company, as they have a job and pay for themselves.

So this morning, the neighbors cocker spaniel was out, yet again, running up and down the block & the So. Cal. Gas Co. was out doing meter readings, so the neighborhood was pretty noisy. Dog’s barking, birds going nuts, etc… Well every morning it’s the same routine for me, I unlock the truck, put my stuff in the front seat, start it up and walk down to the end of the driveway, get the paper and then back in the truck and off I go. So this morning amidst the all the chaos, I hear a sound. At first I’m think that it’s a mocking bird or one of the local wild parrots in the neighbors’ tree. Then I realize that this noise is coming from the neighbors’ truck, and their windows are open a bit. So I walk over expecting to see a bird in the cab of their truck, and that’s when I realize that what I hear is not a bird, but a little kitten in the engine compartment of the truck. Now I live in So. Cal. so I have several neighbors who don’t speak a word of english, or at least not enough that we can communicate effectively. So I shut off my truck, go back in my house and in my best spanish write a note “Gato in engine,” and put it on their windshield. Of course, because I deviated form my usual routine, Brandon was curious about what was going on. I tried to down play it as best I could by saying, “Oh, there’s a cat in the neighbors truck,” and leaving it at that. Of course the questions continue and he finally know that there is a kitten in the engine compartment. Okay, so I finally get out the door to go to work.

At 9:00am my direct line at work rings, it’s Brandon. Apparently when Drew went to leave for school he heard the kitten and went back in and told Brandon that he was able to see it. So the 2 of them head out to our neighbors truck. Brandon coaxed the kitten out with some food and called me to find out what to do with it. From his description it sounds like it is probably 6-8 weeks old. He said that he put in up in the bushes by our front door and it sat there and cried for him. So as I type this we now have another small mouth in our house. He/she is cordoned off in my bedroom with the dog, who most of you don’t know is currently convalescing in my bedroom while recovering from surgery to repair his broken leg. Yep, broke both the ulna and the radius, all the way through. He now has a $1200 piece of plastic, with some JB Weld and 9 finishing nails holding his leg together.

I wonder if this is what Moses felt like?


Blogger JacquelineKD said...

I don't think Moses did anything but part the Red Sea. Some of his followers could have been animals but I don't believe they were of the four legged variety.

Noah, now that's another matter. He had two of each animal on his arc. I don't think (however) that he had seven and 1/2 cats and a dog with a broken paw.

10:19 PM, June 15, 2007  

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